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We are proud to announce a new affinity partnership program with the McGill-Queen's University Press (MQUP) to offer all AMCTO members 30% off MQUP print publications and access to exclusive members-only webinars and author events. McGill-Queen's University Press is a…
The Annual General Meeting (AGM) of the Association of Municipal Managers, Clerks and Treasurers of Ontario (AMCTO) for the year 2024 will be held at the Blue Mountain Village Conference Centre on Wednesday, June 12, 2024, commencing at 8:30 a.m. in The Courts for the purpose of…
Every election cycle, the Municipal Elections Working Group assists in the development and review of AMCTO Municipal Elections Training Program materials and learning modules in order to support members and clerks across the province on matters related to municipal elections…
We are proud to award twelve (12) conference scholarships to eligible AMCTO Student and New Professional members to attend this year's conference. Through their applications and recommendations, these individuals have demonstrated a commitment to continuous learning and…
Ready to expand your job posting's reach and attract even more qualified candidates to your organization? We are pleased to announce a new partnership with CivicJobs.ca to offer a special cross-posting add-on when placing job ads through our job posting service.
For an…
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