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News & Announcements

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We are hiring a Research Assistant to help inform our continued advocacy with respect to strong mayors legislation. Specifically, the aim of this research and advocacy will focus on clarifying the role of chief administrative officers (CAOs) in Ontario municipalities and…
Are you looking for opportunities to share your experience and expertise with municipal professionals across the province? If so, consider becoming a marker for AMCTO education programs!  We are currently seeking individuals who would be interested in paid marking…
As the largest voluntary municipal association in Ontario, it is our position that local governments are the most transparent order of government with openness at the core of their operations as the level of government closest to the people, and that through modernized…
On Tuesday, March 26, Minister Bethlenfalvy introduced 2024 Ontario Budget: Building a Better Ontario. Similar to the 2023 budget, this year’s budget has two core pillars: Building Ontario, which includes actions to drive economic growth by investing in infrastructure and…
Our E.A. Danby, Prestige, and Zone Awards recognize our members and municipal professionals’ dedication, hard work, and commitment to the sector, to continuous learning, and professional development. Please note that the nomination deadline for all awards has now been extended…
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