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As in previous years, we are again seeking your input and feedback for the AMCTO State of the Membership Survey. As an Association, there have been a number of changes since the last 2021 survey including:
Executing on a new 2022-2026 Strategic Plan
Getting back to offering…
While we have been assured that reducing the municipal reporting burden remains a priority and though we have achieved some success addressing the reporting burden through targeting specific ministries, actions taken thus far have not adequately addressed the concerns of the…
We are excited to announce that the call for AMCTO 2024 conference workshop speakers is now open! Speakers are invited to submit their session ideas no later than Friday, September 29 at 4:00 PM ET.
Professional development workshops are key to providing educational and…
We are proud to announce a new affinity partnership program with the University of Toronto Press (UTP) to offer all AMCTO members 30% off UTP publications and access to exclusive members-only webinars and author events.
Founded in 1901, the University of Toronto…
We are happy to announce that all 2023 virtual conference session recordings are now available for virtual participants' viewing pleasure in our learning management system, AMCTO Connect.
While initially we planned to have the livestream recordings available…
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