Critical Training When You Need It
We regularly develop and offer new workshops and webinars that focus on critical legislative, technical, and practical issues of interest to particular local government departments. Webinar topics cover current sector trends with the goal of enhancing knowledge and practical experience, while workshops focus on collaboration and skills-based outcomes for municipal professionals at all stages of their careers.
Upcoming Workshops & Webinars
NOTE: This is the first of a three-part webinar series addressing key areas in municipal tax applications. Please note that registration is for the full series — individuals cannot register for webinars separately. Due to Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) protocol, this webinar series will NOT be recorded.
Intra-Municipal and Inter-…
Municipalities and government agencies often face challenges in managing complex information. This workshop is designed to enhance your municipal operational efficiency when it comes to records management. Join us to go on a journey of a records life cycle — from storage to final disposition — we'll outline policies for establishing a…
Please note: registration for this webinar is currently full. To be notified if space becomes available, please …
NOTE: This is the first of a three-part webinar series addressing key areas in municipal tax applications. Please note that registration is for the full series — individuals cannot register for webinars separately. Due to Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) protocol, this webinar series will NOT be recorded.
Fair and Reasonable Input…
NOTE: This is the first of a three-part webinar series addressing key areas in municipal tax applications. Please note that registration is for the full series — individuals cannot register for webinars separately. Due to Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) protocol, this webinar series will NOT be recorded.
Public Service Body (PSB)…
This webinar will provide an overview of the Personal Health Information Protection Act (PHIPA) — the Ontario privacy legislation for health records. Municipalities connected with public health units are impacted by this legislation, as well as other municipal departments and program areas that act as 'Health Information Custodians'…