Announcing a New Partnership with

Date Published

Ready to expand your job posting's reach and attract even more qualified candidates to your organization? We are pleased to announce a new partnership with to offer a special cross-posting add-on when placing job ads through our job posting service.  

For an additional low rate of $150 +HST (per posting), your job ad will be cross-promoted on both the AMCTO Job Board and the national job board, as well as on other popular job boards including Indeed and Job Bank (Government of Canada). In addition, your job ad will be included in both the AMCTO and CivicJobs weekly e-Bulletin to a sector-specific audience and will be made available through's RSS feeds,  X (formerly Twitter) and other channels (please note that Featured Job Ads will continue to be shared by AMCTO on X and through the AMCTO LinkedIn Group).

How It Works

When purchasing either of our Standard or Featured job ads, simply select the option to include the add-on - it's as easy as that! Once we have processed your job posting, it will appear on both the AMCTO Job Board and the Job Board until the closing date (or 30 days if no closing date is provided). Job ads are posted within 1-3 business days and circulated on a weekly basis through the AMCTO and weekly job postings e-newsletters.

About is Canada’s largest and most visited local government job board, with over 11,000 postings, 3.3 million page views, and 1.1 million visitor sessions per year. averages over 450 page views every hour, with 95% of their traffic from within Canada.

"We know that the attraction of key talent is always a challenge for municipalities," says David Arbuckle, AMCTO Executive Director. "We believe that this new partnership with will provide increased value and visibility for your job postings, improving your chances of finding someone that meets the needs of your organization."

For questions about our job posting service, please contact us.