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Yesterday, Minister Paul Calandra introduced Bill 241, Municipal Accountability Act, 2024 to strengthen municipal governance and accountability. The bill would amend the Municipal Act and City of Toronto Act establishing a new, standardized municipal code of conduct and…
Today is #GivingTuesday — an annual tradition and day to celebrate and encourage global charitable giving. As an Association, we are proud to participate in Giving Tuesday each year by announcing and giving to our selected conference charities of choice. For the upcoming 2025…
AMCTO education programs and services are geared to meet the needs of today's evolving municipal professionals. Explore our 2025 Winter/Spring correspondence courses and Zoom learning options and register today to:
Gain practical, foundational knowledge in local government…
As we look forward to 2025, we remain dedicated to supporting your team's professional development and education. We’re pleased to provide updated pricing for our programs and services to help you plan and budget for the year ahead. Our programs and services are tailored to meet…
AMCTO has had a busy few weeks with visits to Queen’s Park to discuss advocacy priorities on behalf of members. We delegated before the Standing Committee on Justice Policy as the only municipal representative regarding Bill 194, Strengthening Cyber Security and Building Trust…
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