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The Minister of the Environment, Conservation and Parks released the 2020 Annual Report on Drinking Water. According to the ministry, 99.9 per cent of more than 523,000 tests results from municipal residential drinking water systems met Ontario's water quality standards.…
The Ministry of Labour, Training and Skills Development is proposing to streamline prescribed written reporting requirements into a single regulation that would apply to all workplaces covered by the ocupational health and Safety Act (OHSA).
Consultation Period: …
In response to increased rates of COVID-19, including hospitalizations, the Province announced today that a Province-wide shutdown would take effect as of December 26th at 12:01am. As a result, the existing COVID-19 Response Framework will be on pause.
The Information and Privacy Commissioner (IPC) launched a consultation process to help identify what should be the IPC’s strategic priorities over the next five years. They want to know what are the most pressing access and privacy issues facing Ontarians, now and into…
On Wednesday, December 16, 2020, the Province announced the release of the second phase of funding under the Safe Restart Agreement. To help ensure that municipalities do not carry operating deficits into 2021, the Province in partnership with the federal government is…
It was a busy fall session for the Legislature which rose on Tuesday and won't return until February 16 2021. Below are a selection of the Government and Private Members Bills that saw some activity over the past few months which may be of interest to our members.
There's a new regulatory registry posting that will be of interest to our members. MGCS has put out a discussion paper on the Cemetery and Maintenance Fund and Accounts Framework.
Our members have expressed some issues and concerns around the maintenance of…
The Alcohol and Gaming Commission of Ontario (AGCO) released a bulletin as a result of a number of inquiries related to an online charitable raffle supplier.
AGCO clarified that The Lotto Factory (TLF Global Ltd.) is not currently registered by the AGCO…
The Province released public health advice for gatherings, ethno-cultural and festival occassions and other events based on the various zones ahead of December holidays and festivals.
Generally speaking, the Province suggests celebrating with your own household. The…
On November 17th, one day after Bill 218: Supporting Ontario's Recovery and Municipal Elections Act passed third reading, MPP Mitzie Hunter introduced a Private Members' Bill (PMB), Bill 232: Local Choice for Local Elections Act.
The Bill proposes to…
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Jess Bailey Designs