As part of our 2022-2026 Strategic Plan initiatives, we are excited to be launching our new AMCTO website very soon. This update will take place tomorrow (Tuesday, June 20th, 2023), and as a result, will become temporarily unavailable to make the changeover. Please note that it may take up to 24-48 hours for this update to be made.
The new website comes with a better overall user interface with a sleek and modern redesign. Our team has been hard at work refreshing the website content in response to your needs as members, built with accessibility, web best practices and a user-first experience in mind. This includes having a select sample group of members - representative of our various roles and demographics - test a beta version of the new website. We are proud to report that the feedback has been overall extremely positive.
Some of the features you can expect when the new website becomes live:
Exclusive Content for AMCTO Members
The website will be fully integrated with your AMCTO account, with several areas of the website accessible only to members. You'll be able to easily sign in to your account from any page on the website and quickly access these member benefits.
NEW - Online Discussion Forums
One of the new additions you will find on the website are discussion forums for each of the Zones as well as a General Forum to share your ideas with other municipal professionals from across the province.
Zone-Specific News & Announcements
Each Zone will continue to have their own page, featuring your Zone contacts as well as relevant news and announcements to your Zone. This will be in addition to our policy blog and general news pages with important announcements from the Association.
Advocacy & Policy Resources
The website will continue to house our Policy Blog and AMCTO Issue Profile, featuring key updates and news to keep you engaged with our advocacy efforts.
Professional Growth Opportunities
We have made it easier than ever to access the wide range of programs available to our members. This includes information about AMCTO Education Programs, Workshops/Webinars, Accreditation Programs and other upcoming events - our new website will be your one-stop shop for professional growth.
Stay tuned for a second email to follow once maintenance is complete and the new site is live and available. We hope that you will take advantage of all the new features and benefits available to you through our new website!