The Designation to Demonstrate your Municipal Expertise
The Accredited Municipal Professional (AMP) designation is a distinct tier of the Certified Municipal Officer (CMO) designation that allows municipal professionals in a non-management or leadership role to demonstrate their municipal expertise across five (5) competency areas.
The AMP showcases your commitment to meeting a high standard of rigor in demonstrated knowledge and expertise in municipal administration — successful completion and approval of the requirements confer the right to use the initials AMP after your name.
What Our Members Are Saying
Getting Started
"By tapping into my reservoir of experience, I have not only gained a deeper appreciation for the intricacies of municipal administration but also developed a heightened ability to anticipate and address issues effectively for the betterment of my municipality. I have become a more confident, skilled, and visionary leader, armed with the knowledge and wisdom drawn from personal hands-on practice."
Sabrina VanGerven, AMP, Dipl.M.A.
Town of Amaranth