Certified Municipal Officer (CMO)

The Premier Designation for Municipal Managers & Leaders

Today's ever-evolving municipal environment demands management professionals to possess diverse skills and knowledge such as visionary leadership, and keen problem-solving. The Certified Municipal Officer (CMO) accredits these core skills, along with the knowledge and expertise required to be a successful local government leader.

The CMO showcases your knowledge of local government management, your professional readiness and commitment to career-long learning and ethical practice. The CMO is the leading local government designation in Ontario — successful completion and approval of the requirements confer the right to use the initials CMO after your name.

What Our Members Are Saying

Getting Started

Ready to Get Started?

"The CMO designation is unquestionably the premier qualification for senior municipal officers in local government. While the requirements are extensive and extremely relevant; the process inspired a thorough self-reflection of my leadership and management achievements garnered over my municipal career. "

Shellee Fournier, CMO, Dipl.M.A.
Chief Administrative Officer
Township of Rideau Lakes

Cover Photo
Dominika Roseclay