Recognizing Outstanding Performance & Innovative Practices
The late E.A. Danby was AMCTO’s inaugural president. Mr. Danby demonstrated his vision and innovative spirit when he set out to establish AMCTO 85 years ago. The E.A. Danby Awards recognize that same spirit of vision, and innovation for Ontario municipalities.
The E.A. Danby Awards are presented annually to one or more municipalities that demonstrate an initiative or a willingness to explore innovative techniques that produce tangible results related to the efficiency and effectiveness of the municipal corporation. The E.A. Danby Awards focus on initiatives that fall within the broad categories of municipal finance, administration, and the implementation of legislation.
Award nominations may be submitted by any Ontario municipality wishing to be recognized for its use of innovative approaches in the delivery of municipal programs and services. The term 'innovation' is interpreted broadly to include any new or creative approach affecting the delivery of municipal programs and services such as:
- The introduction of creative revenue enhancement or cost-saving programs
- Progressive customer service or citizen outreach programs
- New methods to improve the delivery of a particular service to the community or to a particular segment of the community
- Collaborations with other municipal departments, municipalities, or government agencies to deliver services more efficiently or effectively
This is a tiered awards program based on the size of the municipality. Awards are granted to municipalities with populations less than 20,000 and those with larger populations.