2023 State of the Membership Survey

Date Published

As in previous years, we are again seeking your input and feedback for the AMCTO State of the Membership Survey. As an Association, there have been a number of changes since the last 2021 survey including:

  • Executing on a new 2022-2026 Strategic Plan
  • Getting back to offering more in-person events (annual conference, Zone meetings, Forums)
  • Changes to AMCTO Board and staff
  • Changes to membership pricing structure and benefits with the addition of new affinity program partners
  • Developing and launching a new Association website

The State of the Membership Survey is a foundational document for AMCTO. The results of this survey provide the Board of Directors and staff with data to help shape the future direction of AMCTO and the services we provide.

We value your feedback and as a thank you for completing this survey, we will be doing a draw for the following prizes:

  • One (1) complimentary registration to the 2024 AMCTO Conference taking place June 9-12 in The Blue Mountains, ON (approx. value = $800.00)
  • One (1) AMCTO hoodie (approx. value = $85.00)
  • One (1) $50.00 Visa gift card

Simply click the Enter Draw link at the end of the survey to complete a web form to be considered.

This survey should take approximately 20 minutes to complete and all responses will remain anonymous. The deadline to complete our survey and prize draw form is 5:00pm ET on Friday, October 13. By completing this survey, you'll be able to have your say in shaping future AMCTO programs and services.

Take the Survey

For more questions or information about this survey, please contact Membership Services.