Water Infrastructure Loan Program Now Open

As of December 2, Infrastructure Ontario began accepting applications for the Housing-Enabling Water Infrastructure (HEWI) lending stream, under Infrastructure Ontario’s (IO) Loan Program. Previously announced in August, the program provides up to $1 billion in loans to municipalities to support the construction, expansion and rehabilitation of drinking water, wastewater and stormwater infrastructure projects that enable new homes. Small, rural and northern municipalities will be provided options for deferred interest payments, longer loan terms, more flexible repayment terms and lower administration costs.   

Eligible project categories include: 

  • Potable water assets (e.g. treatment plants, reservoirs, local pipes including the distribution system watermain and the municipal portion of service lines, pump stations); 

  • Wastewater assets (e.g. lagoon systems, pump stations, lift stations, linear assets, treatment plants, storage tanks and collection systems); and 

  • Stormwater assets (e.g. management facilities, linear assets including conveyance piping/ditches/culverts). 

For more information about the loan program, eligibility and how to apply, refer to the HEWI Information Sheet and visit Infrastructure Ontario Loan Program