Ontario Ending Several Orders Affecting Municipalities

As a reminder with the Provincial Government announcement of its plan to gradually ease public health and workplace safety measures, remaining directives and orders under the Emergency Management and Civil Protection Act and the Reopening Ontario Act relevant to municipalities will end by April 27, 2022.

O.Reg. 157/20, Work Deployment Measures of Municipalities

This order provided municipalities with the flexibility to deploy certain staff to where they were needed most in response to COVID-19 pressures.

The order will end on April 27, 2022. Any deployments made by municipalities using the authority in the order will need to end by this date.

O.Reg. 345/20, Patios

This order eliminated Planning Act requirements for notice and public meetings and removed the ability to appeal when municipalities passed temporary use by-laws for new or expanded restaurant and bar patios.

The order will end on April 27, 2022. Municipalities can consider making any necessary changes to temporary use by-laws for patios prior to this date.

It is worth noting that changes were made as part of the Supporting People and Businesses Act in December 2021 to provide municipal councils broader authority to delegate planning decisions to committees or staff.

O.Reg. 141/20, Temporary Health or Residential Facilities

This order exempted temporary shelters and health facilities established to respond to the pandemic from the requirement to obtain a building permit or a change of use permit under the Building Code Act  from complying with the technical requirements of the Building Code and with certain by-laws and approvals under the Planning Act.

This order will end on April 27, 2022. Municipalities that have temporary facilities being used to respond to the pandemic should consider if any new temporary use or zoning by-laws or amendments to existing temporary use or zoning by-laws may be needed before the order ends. The Ministry of Municipal Affairs has indicated their intention to make amendments to the Building Code that would continue to exempt these facilities from the need for a building permit and compliance with the Building Code on a temporary bases, while ensuring regular inspection.

There may be other emergency orders that are ending that could impact your municipality. Further up to date information can be found on: COVID-19 emergency information