Upcoming Fall Zone Meetings

Date Published

AMCTO Fall Zone meetings provide an opportunity for you to learn, engage, and connect with municipal professional members in your (and neighbouring) areas. By now, you should have received an email from AMCTO on behalf of your Zone Executive with a save the date for your Fall Zone meeting.*

*Tip: Add amcto@amcto.com to your ‘Safe Senders’ list to make sure you receive Zone updates directly in your inbox.  

In case you missed it, mark your calendars and plan to attend your upcoming Fall Zone meeting:

  • Zone 1 - Friday, November 1 (In-Person & Virtual)
  • Zone 2 - Friday, October 4 (In-Person)
  • Zone 3 - Tuesday, October 29 (In-Person)
  • Zone 4 - November TBD (In-Person)
  • Zone 5 - Thursday, October 24 - Friday, October 25 (In-Person)
  • Zone 6 - Tuesday, November 19 (Virtual)
  • Zone 7 - Thursday, October 24 - Friday, October 25 (In-Person)
  • Zone 8 - Wednesday, October 9 - Thursday, October 10 (In-Person)
  • Zone 9 - Tuesday, October 1 - Wednesday, October 2 (In-Person)

For details, be sure to visit your Zone page or get in touch with your Zone Executive. Meeting details including the most up-to-date agendas will be posted on your Zone page.

 Why You Need to Be There

Zone meetings are an important way for you to get involved with your Association and have your voice heard! They also provide opportunities to:

  • Meet new members, network and exchange ideas with peers in your region
  • Learn and train together as a team 
  • Address issues that are specific to your region
  • Hear relevant Association, sector policy and legislative updates
  • Recognize and celebrate your achievements as members and as a community

Eligibility to Vote

Current AMCTO members in good standing attending a Zone meeting are eligible to vote on matters raised at their assigned Zone meeting. Any members interested in attending a secondary Zone meeting may do so, however will not be eligible to participate in any voting that may occur. 

Not sure of your Zone?

Visit our Zone page to learn more about the different geographic regions across the province corresponding to each Zone. You can also see your identified Zone by logging into your AMCTO account.

We look forward to connecting with you this Fall!