Giving Back:
Announcing our 2023 Conference Charities
In honour of #GivingTuesday, we are proud to support two charities this holiday season and throughout next year as our selected 2023 conference charities: Project SHARE and the Canadian Mental Health Association (Niagara branch).
Project SHARE of Niagara Falls is a charitable organization that has been providing essential support services that improve the lives of Niagara Falls individuals and families in need for over 30 years. A proud member of Food Banks Canada, Feed Ontario, and Feed Niagara; Project SHARE is a multi service agency with many programs and services available to improve the lives of Niagara Falls individuals and families in need. Project SHARE provides support programs in five key areas to help families meet their basic needs, that they call their 'Five to Thrive': Food Security, Housing Help, Healthy Living, Training Support, and Seasonal Support. On average, 100 individuals and families access Project SHARE and their services daily. Their most-accessed program, the Emergency Food Program, distributes an average of 3,500 lbs. of non-perishable food and fresh produce daily. Recently, Project SHARE has seen a staggering increase in the need for their services as a result of the rising costs of living. Project SHARE believes in the mantra of “Our Community at Work” because their vision of ending the struggle against poverty and empowering those in need is a communal effort, and Project SHARE will always advocate to create an environment where their neighbours in need are healthy, feed, and safe.
The Canadian Mental Health Association (CMHA), Niagara branch, has been providing mental health programs and services to assist individuals 16 years and older with their short and long-term mental health goals for more than 50 years. CMHA Niagara is a registered charity providing a continuum of mental health services. The Niagara branch assists those with early signs of mild to moderate unwellness, those with more severe daily living impacts, those with diagnosable mental illness and those recovering from mental illness. Founded in 1918, the Canadian Mental Health Association (CMHA) is the most established, most extensive community mental health organization in Canada. Locally, in St Catharines, CMHA started with a group of volunteers in 1966 who established the local branch in 1967. In 2001 CMHA Niagara North and CMHA Niagara South amalgamated to form CMHA Niagara to serve across the entire Niagara Region.
As part of our ongoing commitment to give back, AMCTO will be making a donation to each charity on #GivingTuesday and in 2023 on behalf of all of our 2023 conference and Forum speakers. In the spirit of Giving Tuesday, we also encourage members to learn more about the great work being done by of each of these organizations and to donate today to support their growing community programs and services.
SAVE THE DATE: June 11-14th, 2023
AMCTO's 85th annual conference at the
Niagara Fallsview Resort & Casino
Stay tuned for more information and registration details TBA in the new year!