At today's Board of Directors meeting, the Board approved the following Association resolution for AMCTO staff and Board-related travel and organizational procurement:
WHEREAS AMCTO has formal reciprocal agreements with municipal sector organizations located in the United States of America (USA) and;
WHEREAS these agreements request annual participation in conferences often requiring travel to conference locations located in the USA and;
WHEREAS the administration of President Donald Trump has enacted new economic and social policies that have the potential to further marginalize vulnerable populations both inside and outside the USA borders and;
WHEREAS President Trump’s administration continues to enact or threaten to enact economic policies that will greatly impact municipalities, communities, businesses, and people on both sides of the Canada-USA border.
LET IT BE RESOLVED THAT AMCTO, both its Board of Directors and staff, will be suspending all AMCTO business-related travel from Canada to USA destinations until further notice and;
THAT all other commitments related to existing reciprocal agreements with partner sector organizations be maintained, including invitations for representatives to attend AMCTO conferences and events and;
THAT AMCTO implement a 'Canada-first' approach for all procurement expenses, where economically feasible, related to the delivery of the AMCTO annual conference and Annual General Meeting and;
THAT AMCTO staff review all current Association vendors and contracts to assess opportunities to locally source from Ontario/Canadian companies.
"As an Association, it is vitally important that we demonstrate leadership and take action when our membership and their communities are affected. I am proud of the steps taken today by our Board and AMCTO staff.”
Paul Shipway, CMO, AOMC, Dipl.M.A.
AMCTO President